Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are dodging divorce rumors yet again. This time, rumor has it that Angelina caught Brad flirting with one of their children’s nannies. The nanny was reported to be acting too chummy with the 42-year old actor, and oftentimes in questionable situations such as in the pool area or in the kitchen with Mr. Smith wearing just a towel. As any sane wife would do, Angelina fired the nanny, whom tabloids report as hot and gorgeous.
Oh, the controversial Hollywood nanny, splitting up relationships since — hmm, wow, wouldn’t it be interesting to know which Hollywood relationship was the first to fall into the nanny trap? Whereas before, circa 1964, nanny in the movies was portrayed as that valuable person in a family’s life, reasonably answering to everyone’s needs, solving important problems to the best that she can, and often launching into songs in between. I’m talking about Mary Poppins, of course. Then came Fran Fine aka The Nanny, the well-dressed nanny with the sharp wit who ended up marrying the man of the house years after she first knocked on the Sheffield family’s door. There was, however, no Mrs. Sheffield in the picture.
Oh, the nanny – sometimes doing more than just help, especially in Hollywood. And cue:

1. Chris de Burgh
Chris de Burgh probably doesn’t ring as loud a bell as other celebrities who have been linked to their nannies, but that is because you hear his song, The Lady in Red, more than you do his name. The romantic singer admitted to having an affair with his children’s 19-year old nanny, Maresa Morgan, in 1994 when his wife was recovering from an accident. Morgan dumped her college sweetheart, a football jock, to pursue an affair with De Burgh. It devastated his family, but fortunately for him, he was able to get their forgiveness and save his marriage.
