16 Ways United States Won’t be the Same if Trump Becomes President

10. More violence on US soil

This is a no brainer. When the head of the state is purposefully marginalizing ethnic and religious groups, you can be sure that there will be hate crimes and subsequently there will be retaliation. What does all this means? – In a nutshell you can be 100% sure that United States will see more violence through hate crimes, ethnic crimes and even terrorism.


PHOTO: RT America

And how does Trump plans to deal with this? – Through more violence. By tightening laws on all non-white people. If we have learned anything from Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan; violence only begets violence.

Trump also claims he will “quickly” solve the global terrorism problem. This is a dangerous territory to tread. Trump, like many Western leaders is under the illusion that he can curb terrorism through force. Which means more destabilization in Middle East and ultimately more violence on US soil.


PHOTO: sotirovic.eu


  1. Ann September 27, 2016
    • Nuur Hasan October 11, 2016
  2. Michael S Osborn September 29, 2016
    • Nuur Hasan October 11, 2016

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