16 Ways United States Won’t be the Same if Trump Becomes President

1. Make America divisive again…

Why is America one of the greatest nations of the world, if not the greatest? Because we have tolerance, respect, values that rise above race and nationality. We are a land of opportunity where all citizens are equal. Well, not so much anymore. We have some “mays” and “may nots” in this list but one thing we can be absolutely 100% sure of is: racism will run free in America under President Donald J Trump.


PHOTO: Eric Pendzich/REX Shutterstock

Donald Trump has done nothing but divide this great country of ours. White supremacist group Klu Klux Klan has already endorsed Donald Trump and that alone is enough as a warning sign. Trump is leading this country’s future into chaos. He is against the very values we once proudly stood for.


PHOTO: Suggestive


  1. Ann September 27, 2016
    • Nuur Hasan October 11, 2016
  2. Michael S Osborn September 29, 2016
    • Nuur Hasan October 11, 2016

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