5. Horrific international relations
From angering Iranian Prime Minister by calling him names to saying Pakistan is a very big problem, Trump doesn’t understand diplomacy. But it’s not as bad as you think folks: it is worse! We may have a World War III if Trump becomes president. He has a seamless gift of making people angry and some of those people include influential politicians.

PHOTO: Suggestive.com
United States is already facing a global hatred for its controversial roles in Syria, Egypt, Pakistan and Middle Eastern insurgencies. To say Trump will make things worse is an understatement. Not to mention catastrophic relations with Mexico. Trump has already called their government “corrupt, liars, deceitful and cunning”.
World politics will become a soap opera if Donald J Trump becomes US president.

PHOTO: shutterstock
That wall is needed. Illegals are flooding this country every second of every day and among them are criminals and perhaps … you can almost bet on it… terrorists. As far as paying for the wall I seriously doubt Mr. Trump expects Mexico to write us a check but there are other ways as in taxing the imports that come into our country from Mexico to name one idea.
His other ideas are good as well and geared to keeping our country and US safe. What he is proposing could well stop the slippery slope into us becoming a third world country. The way it is going now and will most certainly continue if Hillary is elected we will be like Venezuela in a few short years. Is that what anyone wants. I certainly don’t.
Aren’t there better ways to stop immigrants? Such as better border patrol?
Maybe some of this is true. But, he’ll be much better than a liar and immoral person like Hillary Clinton. Sad that in a country of 320 million people we can’t come up with two candidates better than these two. Donald Trump is the lesser of two bad candidates.
I agree.