15. Professional Bridesmaid
This last one’s for the ladies.
You’ve probably been asked to be a bridesmaid before. Some of you have played the role multiple times. So, why not get paid to do it? That’s what Jen Glantz of New York City asked herself one Friday night.
Today, she’s the CEO of Bridesmaid For Hire. She charges anywhere from $200 to more than $1,000 to be a complete stranger’s “go-to gal pal” on the biggest day of her life.

Professional-bridesmaid services vary from being “virtual bridesmaids” coaching would-be brides over the phone, to being ground-troop bridesmaids making sure every obstacle is tackled from behind the scenes to the aisle.
They can also take the lead in gown shopping, bridal shower planning, bachelorette party organizing and other roles leading up to and during the big day.
The idea of having a BFF for the entire planning process of a wedding is all part of the grand scheme of having the perfect wedding. So would you do it? Attend open-bar wedding parties and dance the electric slide for some easy cash? It may sound glamorous, but be prepared for some unsettling bridezilla surprises. Glantz said she once had to serve as a security guard after a bride fired her maid of honor and was afraid she would crash the party.
But be sure to jot down all your crazy experiences. Glantz already published two books on it.

16. The Queen’s Piper
Being a Piper to the Sovereign or commonly called Queen’s Piper is not an ordinary bizarre job – it is a
ROYAL bizarre job. Queen’s Piper works for the British Royal Household. He primary (and pretty much
entire) duty is to play bagpipes for the Queen. Every day at 9AM the Piper takes his position outside the
Queen’s window and plays for her for 15 minutes. The Piper is also required to play at state events or
any other time upon Queen’s request.

Position of Queen’s Piper was established in 1843 and has been in practice ever since. Every piper in the
last century and a half to serve Her Majesty is a serving non-commissioned officer and a decorated Pipe
Major from Scottish Regiment. The current Queen’s Piper’s name is David Rodgers of regiment Irish
Guards. He has been in service since 2012.
