Bullets are not the only means to wage war.
In New York City, office workers are taking to the windows and using office supplies to engage in some colorful and harmless warfare. That’s right – they are using Post-Its.

Who knows how these things start? In this case, someone dared to say “Hi” to the world with Post-Its. A company located on Canal Street in New York City decided to write the greeting in big Post-It notes. The whole street was suddenly abuzz with talk of the Post-It note message.
After the first shots were fired, several of the agencies volleyed with their own ingenious and colorful words. Two buildings on canal street have started mapping out messages and images on their windows that can be seen from the other buildings and the street. The buildings are home to several offices filled with Post-It warriors (or peaceful artists depending on your world view). Among the warring factions are Cake Group, Horizon Media, Getty Images, Havas Worldwide, Harrison, Biolumina, and Star.

The groups posted pictures of their masterpieces using the two hashtags “postitwars” and “#canalnotes” on Twitter. Just look at the sass contained in the message above. Clearly – this is what starts wars.
Look at this piece of window art made into the symbol for Snapchat. It possibly took hours to achieve this window display.


It does not stop there. New York Magazine is reportedly getting involved. The number of Post-It sticking warriors has increased in the last week. No doubt, the numbers will continue to increase.

Still, not all the images are funny or meant to throw shade at pop culture topics. Some are uplifting and choosing to use the media attention to get a positive message across. New York City is known to be one of the one more expensive and stressful cities in the world. A little fun seems to be brightening everyone’s day. After all, all’s fair in love and (Post-It) war.


