6. Dead Body Under the Mattress
You’ve most likely heard the one about the foul smell coming from underneath a hotel bed, where a dead body was neatly tucked in. The bed’s living occupant spends days on the mattress before reporting the smell to management who discover the corpse.

But can someone really hide a dead body underneath a mattress for days on end? Unfortunately, it’s happened at several hotels throughout the US.
In 2003, a man checked into the Capri Motel east of Kansas City. He reported a terrible odor coming from the bed, but management said they could do nothing about it. He left on the third day because he couldn’t bare the smell. When the hotel’s cleaning staff came in to make the bed, they lifted the mattress and found a corpse in an advanced state of decomposition.
In 1999, a German couple spent the night above the body of Saul Hernandez at the Burgundy Motor Inn in New Jersey. At least three guests slept above the body of Mary Jean DeOliviera, which was discovered in a box spring at the Oceanside Motel in 1988. Like several true cases, their bodies were never discovered until after guests reported terrible smells.
