9. Where does all the malaria come from? – Muslims
The Muslims do not only spread terrorism. They also spread Malaria. Donald Trump lashed out at Muslims for bringing Malaria into the country.

PHOTO: Cdc.gov/Suggestive
“M for Muslims, M for Malaria. They are bringers of Malaria. And when I am president, they are not coming in.” He blamed Muslims for deadly pandemic of Malaria in United States. When reminded there hasn’t been any in centuries, Trump ignored it. He said we have to fight the deadly disease and win it by throwing Muslims out of the country.
He explained, “It is not about marginalization, it is about health, it is not about religion, it is about health. The situation in our country is medically out of control.”

PHOTO: Reappropriate.co/Wikimedia/Suggestive