13. All the women who are not good looking should be registered in a database
Trump’s relationship with women is well-known. He has been controversial to say the least. He once told a reporter that she only has this job because she is good looking, implying that she had no skill or hard work behind her pay. Also just an FYI that Trump actually thinks Angelina Jolie is not beautiful.

PHOTO: Perezhilton.com
When a reporter jokingly suggested that ‘ugly’ women should have a database, Trump jumped in,
“I would absolutely implement that idea. And not just a database for ugly women, you see there have to be a lot of system. We cannot let ugly women terrorism bring this country down. Women are supposed to be pretty and any woman who is not pretty cannot make a good wife. And such women would not be welcome the Great America.”

PHOTO: Getty/Suggestive