10. Carol Rossetti
If you are an admirer of “conventional” female looks, you should probably stop reading – Carol Rossetti will blow your mind. Rossetti is a feminist artist from Brazil who challenges the feminine status-quo and promotes more choice and freedom about how a female should present herself.
Her work reflects the hardships that are faced by women in the society. If you take one look at her Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/carolrossettidesign/photos_stream), you will soon be jumping and pumping your fists in the air. Conventionalism is so boring. The simply philosophy she advocates is heartwarming: a woman should be able to do what she wants to do! – It is as simple as that. I dare you to argue with her on this. Especially after you see some of her work here:

PHOTO: Carol Rossetti

PHOTO: Carol Rossetti