7 – He Avoided The Draft FIVE Times
The idea of his political success is quite difficult to fathom. But it’s also hard to imagine a better candidate for the U.S. Armed Forces then an 18-year-old Donald J. Trump. He was a military school graduate in prime physical condition. He displayed a remarkable talent for team sports. And, to top it off, he was even more aggressive and obnoxious then he is today. However, despite being of age during the Vietnam War, Trump was never drafted for it.

According to the presidential candidate, his “number was too high,” until he, apparently, fractured his heels. In reality, his number was among the first in American history. Draft numbers weren’t even used until late 1960’s – long after Trump received his first call-to-action from the Army.
In 2010, The Smoking Gun published a full, detailed report of the billionaire’s life as a young adult, complete with documents proving the fallacy of his claims. He has four consecutive student deferments, followed by another one granted due to a questionable medical condition.

So, my question is: Do ya think any of this ‘accumulation’ is gonna make one iota of difference when trump breathes his last? ?
Probably not. But, my question is: what will?