#24 Nevada – Camel Hunting is Against The Law
After World War I, the U.S. used a Nevada army base to train camels for the military. At some point, about a dozen escaped and ended up on private property. Local farmers woke up to see a couple of war-camel in their front yard and declared open season. So, authorities created a law to protect camels in the 1920’s and haven’t repealed it to this day.

#23 Arkansas – It’s Illegal to Mispronounce Arkansas
The law isn’t enforced but there are some very real repercussions, especially for tourists. Apparently, natives of the state take it as an insult when someone says [Ar-Kanzas] instead of [Ar-Ken-Saw]. In 2009, the state secretary released a public statement explaining that correct pronunciation is vital to preserving the history of this region. According to him, Native Americans named Arkansas long before Pilgrims got there.
