14. The Globe Theatre was burned down by Shakespeare
The Globe Theatre is a mecca for any theatre enthusiast. It is named so because of its round shape. It was considered an unusual building at the time it was created (which was during Shakespeare’s career), because it had the circular seating arrangement. Now days many theatres follow this trend. Many people think that all of Shakespeare’s plays were carried out in Globe Theatre. It would make a good fairytale but it is not true. Only a small proportion of his plays was carried out at Globe Theatre during his lifetime.

PHOTO: torturedartists
In 1613, during a rendition of act of Henry VIII, a live canon was fired as a prop. It was not expected to go off completely, it was modified to only make a blasting sound and give a lot of smoke. However when it was fired, the straw ceiling caught fire and the whole arena burned down. It was later re-constructed and stands proud even to this day.

Globe Theatre on Present Day / PHOTO: Timeout
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