13. Weird Architecture
Do you aspire to be the world’s greatest architect? Do you find beauty and magic in structures that leave others scratching their heads? Well, don’t expect to get hired in China. In February 2016, the Chinese government announced it no longer will approve “unusual” building plans.

Photo from Rocketnews.com
The move spearheads the government’s pledge to end the trend of “outlandish architecture” at the request of President Xi Jinping.
State media reported that “Bizarre architecture that is not economical, functional, or aesthetically pleasing” will be prohibited. However, structures that are “less wasteful” and use “fewer resources” will be encouraged.
So, don’t expect to see any more structures like the liquor-bottle shaped building for the Wuliangye Group, which whips up liquors like the Baijiu.

Photo from Google