7. Movile “the sulfuric” Cave
In Romania, there is a cave that hasn’t seen a ray of light in 5.5 million years. The result: it has a completely different atmosphere from earth. The cave was accidently discovered by workers of a power plant company. They were looking for an isolated area to setup camp when they accidently opened the bizarre and dreadful pathway.

PHOTO: Wikipedia
The cave has a lake of sulfuric acid. The air is unbelievably toxic and filled with hydrogen sulfide. The existence of the cave is not the strangest part. The most wonderful thing about the cave is what exists inside it. Researchers have found no less than 33 species living inside the cave. These are new species and do not (and perhaps cannot) exist anywhere in the world. They feed off the foam found on stones, hence adapting to live in a sulfuric atmosphere.

PHOTO: Wikipedia