#21 California – It’s Illegal to Eat a Frog That Died During a Frog-Jumping Contest
Believe it or not, California still holds an annual frog-jumping “championship.” The ‘Calaveras County Fair and Frog Jumping Jubilee’ has been a state-wide tradition for over eight decades. Each year, bull-frog “jockeys” compete to see who’s frog can jump farther then the rest. As if this wasn’t barbaric enough, until the 1950’s law was put in place, spectators would rush in and steal the bodies of ‘contestants’ who met their doom to eat them.

#20 Idaho – Cannibalism Is Illegal (Most of The Time)
In 1990, Idaho became the first and only state to put cannibalism laws on the books. After a troubling case made it to the highest state-level court, the judge decided on a “standard” cannibalism sentence. Eating another person’s flesh without killing them, will land Idaho residents in prison for 14 years. But, if it’s the only means of survival, eating each other is a-okay.
