4. Tuna Eyeballs
Tuna eyeballs are a favorite of people with sophisticated tongues in Japan and China. Known for its gelatinous texture and tasty parts, eating tuna eyeballs makes for an extraordinary gustatory experience. It can be served simply boiled and seasoned while some chefs stew these odd things for extra flavor.

Photo: Reddit
5. Wasp Cracker
What could have been cracking inside the brain of the person who invented the wasp cracker? “Hey, we ran out of chocolate chips but I found a can of wasps in the pantry”? Wasp crackers are a big hit in Japan, where the insects are farmed specifically for human consumption. Japanese claim that they’re actually delicious (raisin-y with a hint of bitterness and acidity) and nutritious as wasps are packed with protein.

Photo: Lost at E Minor