How many people love pizza?! It’s one of those foods that is synonymous with great stories, a great time, and even better food. It’s a delectable treat that is great for meat lovers as well as vegetarians. However, with the hundreds of differing variations of pizza how do you know which pizza is perfect for you?
With so many different ways to enjoy your pizza you really need to know what you’re getting into! Now lets take a look at how you can pick the perfect pizza!
1. Know What You Like
With the famous Chicago deep dish pizza, the New York thin pizza, and your normally sliced pie – you have to decide which one is best for you. Do you want a pizza you can hold? Do you want to eat at a table? Do you want a quick meal? These are all questions you need to be able to answer when selecting the perfect pizza for yourself. Not every style of pizza is for everyone and finding out which one suits you is a must.
2. Choose Your Toppings Wisely
With some many different topping choices, you can get lost when trying to put together the perfect pizza. Whether it’s fruit, fish, strange spices, a number of different meats, oils….you get the point – there’s quite a bit to choose from. You have to identify your mood, realize what you want on your pizza at that time and then execute your order. Your taste buds will thank you for a wise combination, choose wisely.
3. Price Check
Pizza can be expensive, especially if being purchased for a party. If you’re buying for twenty people, it’s not in your wallets best interest to order three pizzas with four toppings a piece.

Pizza Margherita
Even though pizza joints over price additional toppings – they can get away with it since it’s an industry wide travesty. You have to know the situation and sometimes settle for an ordinary (yet still satisfying) one topping pepperoni pie.
4. Identify How Hungry You Are
Nobody wants a small pizza when they are hungry enough to eat an extra large. Also, don’t get an extra large when all you can eat is a personal pie – reheated pizza is nowhere near as good as it is fresh. It is very important to your pizza fandom to get the perfect size for each and every situation.
5. Crust Is Your Friend
In the era of flavored and/or stuffed crust, you will have a plethora of options available to you when it comes down to choosing the crust to your liking. Are you in the mood for a cheesy stuffed crust with a buttery glaze flavor? Do you want a Cajun flavored thin crust? Or are you simply in the mood for the traditional offering? Whichever you choose just don’t be the one that wastes that amazing bread!