3. I Appreciate You
This is a universal compliment that should always be kept in your bag of tricks for easy access. Women sometimes feel unappreciated, everything is expected from them, and they do so much with no recognition. This has caused many women to go on strike in their own home, don’t let that happen to you. When a women goes on strike the whole world falls apart.

A strike means dishes piled up, dirty laundry everywhere and worst of all your wife has turned into a potato just sitting in front of the tube. So unless potatoes are your thing, make sure you’re keeping up with your duties around the house, and tell her how much you appreciate her for doing her’s. Really, think of all the things she does for you and the family, she truly is amazing and she needs to hear that you know how much you appreciate her. “I’m so happy for everything you do around the house, it always looks so nice”, should do the trick -simple yet effective.
