12. You Are So Much Smarter Than Me
It takes a real strong man to admit this one. Most men do not like to be the underdog in the relationship, but complimenting your wife on something she does better than you is not admitting defeat. It just means you notice what she has to bring to the table, and shows you’re comfortable being in a partnership. What she has in book smarts you meet with street smarts.

As long as your guy friends are not around you won’t get hassled, but who cares what they think anyway? If you do however, admit this in front of your guy friends, she will give you even more points (but, who needs points when you have her?). Let’s say you two are painting a room in the house: “There’s no way I could have the patience for that, I’m so thankful you’re doing the trim. I’ll stick to painting the walls and stay away from the corners”, for example.
