7. The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
A movie that stands the test of time. It tells the stories of veterans returning from World War II and details how they adjust to their physical and emotional wounds. Harold Russell who won Best Supporting Actor (along with an honorary award) was an actual veteran from the war who lost both hands. This powerful story remains the best movie of its type ever produced in the United States.

William Wyler rightfully won Best Director, while Robert E. Sherwood won Best Adapted Screenplay, Fredric March also won Best Actor. This movie details incredible stories that will remain relevant as long as their is war. The Best Years of Our Lives is as important as it is gripping, this is a movie worth going out of your way to see!

Great list
Thank you!
Brilliant list. Forgot about a lot of these so i will be spending some time watching them,especially Bridge over the River Kwai and All about Eve.. Thanks
I’m glad you enjoyed it Caroline. I try to keep my Journalistic integrity even on these lists. Some incredible films were on this list. You are very welcome!