2. Casablanca (1943)
While Humphrey Bogart did not win Best Actor, his performance brought together an amazing script (Julius J. Epstein, Philip G. Epstein, and Howard Koch won Best Screenplay) and direction from Michael Curtiz (Best Director). Casablanca has stood the test of time with relate-able themes including an unforgettable romance. The film is easily one of the best movies ever produced in Hollywood!

This should be at the top of your watch last if you are interested in getting involved in the entertainment industry as you will learn how important themes and dialogue are in classic movies. If you’re simply interested in a great love story this is a film that will definitely catch your interest!

Great list
Thank you!
Brilliant list. Forgot about a lot of these so i will be spending some time watching them,especially Bridge over the River Kwai and All about Eve.. Thanks
I’m glad you enjoyed it Caroline. I try to keep my Journalistic integrity even on these lists. Some incredible films were on this list. You are very welcome!