Before the end of 2017, the first marijuana dispensary is expected to open its doors in the capitol of Texas, Austin. Two years after the enactment of the Texas Compassionate Use Act Texans are finally getting the dispensary they deserve. The Texas Compassionate Use Act is a law that allows limited and narrow use of cannabidiol (CBD) with low THC levels for intractable epilepsy patients who have obtained a doctor’s recommendation. The state is home to an estimated 150,000 of these patients.

Photo: The Austin Chronicle
Texas Capitol Laws Regarding Marijuana
In addition to the medical marijuana laws, the capitol city has lowered cannabis possession from a Class A felony to a Class B misdemeanor. This basically means that an officer would have the option of either ticketing you or bringing you into the county jail. All this assuming you are carrying less than 2 ounces.
For the most part, police in Austin are more concerned with harder crimes. Smoking on the street is easily commonplace, and you’re likely to never encounter police on the sidewalk.