13. Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan is the most well-known entry in the list. Everyone known his story. Everyone knows how he became one of the all-time greats. He was studying at University of North Carolina when he was drafted for NBA. Most people don’t know that fact that after being selected in NBA, he continued to study. He completed his major in Geography while playing in the NBA.

PHOTO: Jason H. Smith/Flickr
You don’t get to be a good basketball player without having brains. Here is a testament to Jordon’s intellectual and basketball qualities: 14 times NBA All-Star, 5 times MVP, 6 times NBA Champion, 6 times NBA finals MVP, Average: 5.3 apg, 6.2 rpg, 30.1 ppg, 3 times All Star MVP… and Rookie of the Year.

PHOTO: Wikipedia