12. How Would Your Previous Co-Workers Or Managers Describe You?
Employers want to hire a hard-working individual who can play well with others and improve the efficiency of the group. You can talk about times when you went above and beyond on a team project, or about a time when you picked up the slack for another co-worker even though you were not required to do so.
However, employers also want to hire someone who can be fun to work with. They want someone who can boost morale when needed, because they know happy workers tend to be more productive. Explain how your sense of humor or positive personality broke the tension when things got tough at one of your previous jobs.
If you’ve received praise from a manager or co-worker, feel free to talk about it. Maybe one of your managers wrote you a letter of recommendation. Or a co-worker nominated you for an award. Bring them up.
Overall, make sure your answer describes you as someone who is reliable, trustworthy, punctual and hardworking but also easygoing, considerate and humorous when appropriate.

13. Where Do You See Yourself In Five Years?
Be optimistic here, but not too ambitious as to be unrealistic. Base your five-year-plan on your experience and obtainable goals.
First, acknowledge that you’ll need some time to adjust. Talk about the aspects of the company you’ll need to become more familiar with. Then, talk about an area of the company where you can begin honing your skills. The company may be launching a project where your talent could be useful. Show your potential employer you’re ready to hit the ground running.
Refer to your previous job experience and set-up some short term goals. If you’re seeking a retail position, for instance, you may have a sales projection based on what you’ve accomplished in the past.
Overall, explain how you intend to use your skills to grow within the company in the next five years. Be careful to not appear too ambitious. For example, don’t say you expect to play the interviewee’s role within the next five years.
