15 Best Oscar Winning Movies

6. Terms of Endearment (1983)

James L. Brooks won Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay for his work on this incredible film. Jack Nicholson (Best Actor) and Shirley MacLaine (Best Actress) took home awards, but Debra Winger’s performance should not be forgotten. The film mixes comedy and sadness together with amazing craftsmanship that makes for an incredible movie that probably doesn’t get the recognition it deserves.



A rare Oscar winning film whose plot is dominated around that of strong female characters, causes the film to stand out in a unique way. Even it today’s Hollywood three dimensional female characters are rarely developed. If you care to take yourself on a journey of human emotion this is a movie that you will greatly enjoy!



  1. NP_Truth March 8, 2016
    • Walter Yeates March 8, 2016
  2. Caroline March 12, 2016
    • Walter Yeates March 12, 2016

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