8. Hitler was a vegetarian and formed various animal anti-cruelty laws
When Nazi Party came into power in 1933, they passed various animal protection laws. (Yes, the person who mercilessly killed millions of people… passed an anti cruelty law for animals.) These laws were the same that existed in England and other European countries, but Hitler pressed them with harsh penalties. Historians like Arnold Arluke and Boria Sax have revealed that the Nazi Party had a goal: to treat human beings and animals alike. Ha! Who was he trying to fool?

PHOTO: Getty, Rex
Within a couple of months in power, Hitler forbade hunting and kosher slaughter. He announced, “Im neuen Reich darf es keine Tierquälerei mehr geben” or -In the new Reich, no more animal cruelty will be allowed. Some historians also claim that Hitler was an “occasional vegetarian” – someone who would eat meat but very rarely.

Hitler, the animal lover. (PHOTO: Pinterest)