Although Kombucha has been at the forefront of healthy drinks for years now, it’s recently boomed, and for good reason. Kombucha offers a medley of benefits including improved digestion, immune support, liver support, and detoxification.
What is Kombucha?
Kombucha is a cold, fermented tea drink that’s made from green tea, black tea, and sometimes a blend of both. As it is a fermented drink, it does contain live bacteria, yeast, and sugar. This makes it an incredible source of energy and can help you detox.
What are the REAL Health Benefits?
Kombucha is jam-packed with gut-friendly probiotics, antioxidants, and vitamins. Most bottles of kombucha have 30 to 50 calories per eight-ounce serving, plus two to 10 grams of sugar. Although that’s significantly lower than what you’d find in sodas and juices, some claim the sugar levels make it anything but a healthy choice.
Dr. Zhaoping Li from UCLA’s Center for Human Nutrition told the TIME magazine that there still isn’t enough scientific research available to prove the fermented tea drink’s effects. “We lack a really well-controlled study to say, ‘this is from kombucha’,” he noted.
How Much Kombucha is too much Kombucha?
Many experts agree that it’s fine for most people to drink a serving or two of kombucha daily. The exception is those who have compromised immune systems, are pregnant, or are breastfeeding because the live bacteria can potentially be harmful. Pace yourself if you’re a kombucha newbie. Drinking four ounces or less each day will give you a chance to see how you feel before gulping down more.