Photo from TruthRevolt.com
As the race to the White House heats up, Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton is getting support from an unlikely source.
“Hookers for Hilary,” a group of Nevada’s legal sex workers, is getting ready for the state’s Democratic Caucus this weekend.
Hookers for Hilary comprises the ladies of Carson City’s Moonlite Bunny Ranch. Brothel owner Dennis Hof is also rooting for Clinton. The group announced its support shortly after Clinton announced her campaign.
The group says it backs Clinton for her experience in foreign policy, support of Obamacare, and her stance on domestic violence.

Photo from Asia One
Sex worker Entice Love points to her past.
“I’m for Hillary because she’s cracking down on domestic violence,” Love told The Guardian newspaper. “I’ve been in a relationship for a long time where I’d been thrown down stairs, black eyes, fractured ribs … When I’m looking at who I want to pick for the presidency, I look at what are they doing that I can relate to that will be of benefit for me. That’s why I was for Obama, now I’m for Hillary.”
Prostitute Taylor Lee says she backs Clinton for the candidate’s stance on Obamacare. Lee says she supports Obamacare because it allows people to be insured despite certain pre-existing conditions.
Lee suffers from epilepsy. She says she registered to vote after getting her medical marijuana card.
“If I don’t take my medicine for one night, I will begin a seizure,” Lee told the Guardian.
According to the Guardian, many were uninsured until recently.
“We’re helping Hillary and we’re helping ourselves,” Love said. “Women should help other women, right?”