1. Ted Williams
If you caught the number of hints I left throughout the list, you would have seen this coming at number 1. Ted Williams put up incredible numbers that would have been even more spectacular had World War II nor the Korean War ever happened. In 1941 Williams became the last hitter to record a .400 season win he hit .406 during his age 23 season. He holds the Major League record for OBP at .482, his 2,021 Walks are 4th All Time, and his .344 Batting Average is 6th in the record books.

While Williams hit an impressive 521 Home Runs, it’s highly likely he would have hit well over 600 if again not for World War II nor the Korean War (Also would have likely easily crossed the 3,000 hit threshold). Baseball has not and probably will never see a hitter at the caliber of Ted Williams again. In my opinion there has not been a better hitter that has ever played the game of baseball.
