9. Tokyo Rose
Tokyo Rose was a named given to a series of female voices that we played in Japan to taunt Allied forces in World War Two.

PHOTO: Wikipedia
It is amazing how many betrayals and double crosses happened during World War II. One woman, Ikuko Toguri, was a Japanese American woman who was in Japan during the Pearl Harbor Attack. She stayed on and joined Radio Tokyo. A radio show, The Zero Hour, played anti-Allied forces rhetoric. Allied Forces came to call the taunting female voice, Tokyo Rose. After the war, she was found guilty of treason. Her sentence was later commuted by President Gerald Ford.

PHOTO: Wikipedia
8. Christopher John Boyce
Christopher John Boyce was an American Defense contractor during the Cold War when he decided to betray United States. He instead went onto sell US spy satellite to the Russians in 1970s.

PHOTO: Oursouthbay.com
Boyce discovered some illegal and unethical practices from the CIA in Australia and other countries. He claims that he uncovered some documents as a result of misrouted cables from CIA head office. In the documents CIA wanted to remove Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam. Instead of going to the press, Boyce decided to gather these misrouted cables.
Once he had spy satellite development plans, ciphers, codes and other stuff he could sell, he decided to give it to Soviet Union in exchange for money.

PHOTO: media.oregonlive.com
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