18 Old Must-See Mug Shots

2. Jake Vohland

Like Jake from State Farm, Mr. Vohland here is in the midst of a case of mistaken identity…or so he claims. With that haircut, it would be hard to mistake him in a police lineup.

Nebraska State Historical Society

Nebraska State Historical Society

Jake was charged with stealing chickens. The Stubblefields owned a large chicken farm in Gibbon, Nebraska. The Stubblefields knew better. Like the game Mousetrap, the Stubblefields placed a mousetrap in front of the door to the chicken coop. Once the trap was stepped on, it would send bells ringing to their house. The Stubblefields heard the bells. Vohland heard Mrs. Stubblefield yelling for him to stop. He ran off, neglecting his getaway car. He made off with five chickens. The police were soon on the scene and traced the getaway car to Vohland. He told the jury that they had the wrong guy. He was sentenced to one year in prison.

Nebraska State Historical Society

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