14. Using the Toilet
This next trick will take some time and effort, but who doesn’t want a dog who can relieve himself in the toilet like his two-legged friends?
Start by giving a command such as “Go to the Toilet” every time your dog relieves itself. Eventually, your pooch will associate the command with the act. After your dog learns to go on command, bring a small litter box outside. Gently push its paws into the litter box while repeating the command.
After your dog learns to do his business only in the litter box, bring the litter box back inside and place it close to the bathroom door. Gradually move it to the toilet. Afterward, teach your dog to jump onto the litter box on the toilet. Eventually, you’ll be able to remove the litter box and let your dog relieve himself in the toilet.
15. Taking a Bow
After your dog learns all these tricks, you can bet it’s going to have an audience. And after his performance, your pooch can send away his fans with an Oscar-worthy bow.
Here’s how you teach your dog to bow.
Begin by holding a snack on the tip of your dog’s nose before moving it downward. This move should encourage your pooch to bend down until his chest and elbows touch the floor, while its rear remains up in the form of a bow. Hold him in the bow position for a few seconds while repeating the command. Then use the treat to raise him back up. Finally, deliver the treat.
If your dog has trouble keeping up its rear end, put your hand underneath its stomach.