14. “Adolf Schicklgruber” was supposed to be Hitler’s name
Hitler’s father changed his last name before his son was born, otherwise he would’ve been called Adolf Schicklgruber. Too bad Hitler wasn’t called Schicklgruber, it would be a easy way to make fun. However, he probably would’ve created even more havoc if he had a terrible name to add to his list of rage.

PHOTO: Jeniffer Rosenberg
In the Hitler’s family try, you will notice that the name Hitler is used with many variations. Hiedler, Hüttler, Hytler, and Hittler all have been used by his family members. On January 7, 1877, Alois Schicklgruber changed his last name to “Hitler”, which his son Adolf would go on to use.
Interestingly enough you can also see a lot of strange occurrences. Such as children being born out of wedlock or after only a couple of months after marriage. Also, Hitler had a sister who outlived him, but we know so little about her.

PHOTO: Suggestive.com