An apparently lively Twitter rage from Kanye West on Sunday that dubiously proposed that he needed $1 billion from Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg ended up being reality.
Hours subsequent to posting the first message proposing the billion-dollar speculation, Kanye caught up with another, sincerer supplication.
“Mark Zuckerberg I know it’s your birthday yet would you be able to please call me by tomorrow,” the various tweet message starts. “You cherish hip-bounce; you adore my specialty… I am your most loved artisan yet you watch me scarcely inhale and still play my collection in your home.
Besides getting Zuckerberg’s birthday wrong (most records demonstrate that it’s May 14), the message soon takes a turn for the frantic by endeavoring to utilize the general population’s assistance.

PHOTO: 9gag
“World, please tweet, FaceTime, Facebook, Instagram, do whatever you got to do to inspire Mark to bolster me,” composes Kanye. “I don’t have enough assets to make what I truly can… Mark, I am openly approaching you for help… one of the coolest things you could ever do is to help me in my term of need… and I will dependably regard you for that and the world will adore you…
Claiming love. Affirm then.
However, here’s the thing about Kanye and Facebook: He really knows Zuckerberg (kind of). In 2010, the craftsman performed at the workplaces of Facebook in California. So in the event that you were thinking Kanye was just hurling out a major ask of somebody he’s never met, you would not be right. This is quite undeniable, and conceivably extremely individual.
In any case, it doesn’t end there. Kanye then includes Google fellow benefactor Larry Page to the blend in a progression of tweets coordinated at Silicon Valley by and large.
“Hey Larry Page I’m down for your assistance as well,” composes Kanye. “All you fellows in San Fran play rap music in your homes however never help the genuine artisan… you’d fairly open up one school in Africa such as you truly helped the nation… on the off chance that you need to… help me… I guarantee I’m going to make the world dope…. whatever I do is make poop dope #facts… All you all had gatherings with me and nobody lifted a finger to offer.

PHOTO: perezhilton
What started as a swaggering, irregular proposal has now transformed into what sounds like a manifestly obvious, pressing offer. We’re not used to seeing the normally arrogant rap artisan resort to such a low bar as to play the social blame card to request help.
Yet, in the event that this isn’t all some intricate execution craftsmanship on Kanye’s part, then it might be a great opportunity to consider the artisan’s obligation talk important. The House of West might in fact be in hazard.
For what it’s worth, while this was going on, his wife, Kim Kardashian, was still on her cash producing grind on Twitter.
That is the way you do it, Kanye.
All said and done, it is worth mentioning here that Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t even have a Twitter account.