Is the convenience factor of meal kits killing Millennials desire to go out to eat? | Photo: Blue Apron
Millennials love convenience. From the creation of the internet until today, online ordering has slowly taken over as our preferred method of shopping. For example: Amazon is one of the top grossing companies in the world today. With their recent purchase of Whole Foods they’re on track to take over grocery industry. Starting as just a tiny online bookstore to now being many peoples first choice for shopping, the convenience factor trumps all.
This brings us to the topic of food delivery services. Grocery stores may have thought they were safe from the online era, as it seemed it was impossible to order certain foods online. With the concern of maintaining freshness while shipping is no longer a concern, food delivery services have slowly taken their bite out of the industry. This not only concerns many grocers, but also is alarming to many chain restaurants. The chain restaurants we were going for convenience, now no longer serve us in a way that we see fit. Read on for more about how food delivery service impacts grocers and chain restaurants.
Food Delivery Service
There are a wide range of food delivery services available today. From Blue Apron to Postmates, you can choose what kind of services you need. With options like Blue Apron, HelloFresh, and Green Chef, you get your ingredients mailed to you and you make the meals yourself. Other options like Postmates, UberEats, and Favor allow you to order from some of your favorite restaurants who don’t participate in traditional take out services for a fee. Regardless of your desire to cook you can almost always have a meal delivered to you for a fee.