10. Stink bombs
I’m not talking about the kind you detonated in the corner of your 4th grade classroom. Think feces, rotting flesh, and 10 more of the worst smells you can think of. Now mix ‘em up and multiply that by 10. There’s your military-grade stink bomb.

Photo from Google
Stink bombs or malodorants have been used by militaries around the world to disperse enemies from hiding spots.
The U.S. dabbled with the concept as far back as WWII with the “Who, Me?” spray. This feces-smelling agent was contained in portable atomizers and given to French resistance fighters. The problem was that these devices could also stink up the trigger holder.
Fast forward to 2008 and the U.S. is looking at XM1063, which could be put in “stink bomblets” launched from 155-milimitre artillery guns. By 2012, the Pentagon said it found a loophole in the Chemical Weapons Convention to use it.
Research on malodorants continues today.

Photo by Jamie Montgomery