5. Project MKULTRA
If you’re familiar with the X-Files, you’ve heard this one before. A secretive agency conducts experiments on an unsuspecting American public. But, it actually happened. Between 1953 and 1964, the CIA secretly administered chemical and psychoactive agents to Americans as part of Project MKULTRA.

Photo from google
The project’s aim was to develop chemical weapons, as well as defenses against these attacks. These experiments also investigated “brain washing,” hypnosis, amnesia, and more. At least two deaths were attributed to the project, but none ceased its practice.
Much of MKULTRA remains shrouded in secrecy. The little that is known today resulted from a Senate investigation and joint committee hearing held between 1976 and 1977.
The hearing report concluded many of the project’s records were destroyed in 1973 under the orders of CIA Director Richard Helms.
Two lawsuits relating to the project made their way to the Supreme Court in the 80s. The CIA prevailed in both.

Photo by Jamie Montgomery