2. Both Hitler and Osama bin Laden were declared dead on May 1
You cannot deny that Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden do go together. They share crimes in killing innocent people, genocide, terrorism and much more. But one thing you probably didn’t know these two shared was their death day. Both Hitler and bin Laden were announced dead on May 1 (Hitler had committed suicide the day before, but it was announced to public the day after).

A newspaper clipping announcing Hitler’s death. (PHOTO: Back 2 Retro)
May 1 is also considered the Labor Day – a day celebrated for working men around the globe (that should remind you when Hitler and bin Laden died, from now on). Some theorists say that Osama bin Laden was killed much earlier but was announced on May 1 to coincide with Hitler’s death.

PHOTO: Suggestive.com