15 Facts They Didn’t Teach You About Hitler

9. Hitler was inspired by Henry Ford and hung a portrait of him behind his desk

Henry Ford was an iconic American businessman and industrialist who founded the Ford Motor Company. He was one of the first industrialists to introduce mass production and assembly line techniques. During World War I, Ford became a preacher of peace. He also wrote an anti-Semitic book called “The International Jew”. Ford was not too fond of Jewish people and inevitably Hitler adored him and called him an “inspiration”.


PHOTO: Suggestive.com

Hitler once said that he will do what he can to put Ford’s theories to practice in Germany. He was talking about both anti-Jewish thoughts and technical modelling of Volkswagen after Ford Model T.

In 1931, Hitler said, “Only a single great man, Ford, [who], to [the Jews’] fury, still maintains full independence [from] the controlling masters of the producers in a nation of one hundred and twenty millions.”


Henry Ford (PHOTO: Skepticism.org)

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