Every driver is required to carry auto insurance. Most people stick with the first insurance company they sign up with and don’t review the details of their insurance policy for years. Often this leads to money lost by sticking with the wrong policy. Here are some ways to find a policy that can cut your premiums.
1.Check your Insurance Rate. Compare rates from different companies to ensure you’re getting the best contract. You can find a lot insurance comparison tools online. Personalized quotes often need an agent to call you back, but an online comparison can be an efficient way to find a good deal.
2.Maintain a Positive Credit Score. Check your credit score since a bad credit score can affect your insurance costs and premiums.
3.Get the Right Deductible. A high deductible can reduce your premium, but you’ll pay more out of pocket in the case of an accident. If you have no accidents and a positive driving record, you may want to opt for a higher premium. The benefits can be up to 40% in savings.

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4.Review Your Coverage. Make sure you have enough coverage for injuries and damage to property. Costs increase over time, because risk increases over time, but your coverage should increase too. Basically, minimal coverage offers minimal protection, which becomes more of a risk to you.
5.Report Reductions in Your Mileage. If you change jobs, work from home, or become unemployed, contact your insurance company. Many insurance companies will reduce your rates if you’re driving less.
6.Monitor Any Insurance Repairs. Double check repair shop your insurance company prefers, the may encourage you to use cheaper parts, instead of the manufacturer’s recommended parts. Third-party parts can fit poorly, are prone to rust, and don’t always meet federal safety regulations.
7.Pick the Right Car. The potential cost for repairs is a major consideration in the pricing of auto insurance. When shopping for a new car, examine the information on collisions by car model. Estimated insurance costs are also a part of the costs information Consumer Reports provides on all new car models.
8.Take Advantage of Discounts. Many insurance companies offer discounts for low risk drivers, always ask if you qualify. Security devices for your car can also lower your rates. Also you should check to see if your insurance company offers bundles for homeowners, recreational vehicles, and other option. Bundled options often come with discounts.
