Ah, there’s nothing better than young love! No matter who you are or where you’re from, young love permeates every culture. Today however, we see the evolution of this young love in the new trend, called a “promposal”.
For those not sure what a “promposal” is, the trend seemed to start from mimicking the extravagant ways that people have been known to propose for marriage. Like the word hints, it’s when one young person goes through an elaborate, sometimes romantic, and sometimes downright awkward and surprising way to ask another person to prom.
In the case of this list, we’ll be highlighting seven instances where the asker seemed to miss the mark, making for cringeworthy pictures immortalized on the internet forever…
#7 Racist Promposal
We’re fairly certain that racist stereotypes need to go to the wayside. Whether or not it’s a comfortable joke between a couple, the sentiment can run amuck on the internet — potentially perpetuating a negative perspective.

#6 Making Fun of Tragedy
There’s never a time when it’s okay to poke fun at tragedy. Unfortunately, this guy didn’t get the memo and made a joke about the very serious threat of terrorism when asking his sweetheart to prom.

With how many people that have been tragically affected by the radical behavior of others, including those disillusioned enough to believe such harmful things — it’s a wonder at all that someone thought this promposal was a good idea. Perhaps love truly is blind?

#5 Self-Harm Promposal
Weird isn’t for everyone, in fact, most people shy away from the weird. I don’t mean the cute and quirky weird, like Zooey Deschanel on New Girl, I mean purposefully sunburning your back in the name of prom (also love).
Yup, just when you thought you’d seen everything — some guy tries to be unique and cool by self harming; all for a cringeworthy promposal. Hope it was worth it, bud.
#4 Perverted Promposal
Nothing says I love you like phallic shaped cake — or at least that’s what this person thought. They also obviously have a penchant for puns, attempting to creatively use crude humor in order to woo their potential prom date.

It’s not necessarily a total fail, but we’re not sold that their parents will be thrilled to see this posted on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter with their child tagged in it later.
#3 Nude Promposal

Generally speaking, breaking the law for a promposal is a very bad idea. That includes going full on nude for kicks, since most US states have laws against public indecency — thankfully, by the looks of the photo it was taken indoors. However, unless her parents are nudists, we aren’t sure they’re going to be very excited about this promposal.
Judging from the way she’s hiding her face, we believe she’s resigned herself into being with a guy who will embarrass her for the rest of her life.
Guess he found himself a keeper!
#2 Turning Homelessness into a Costume
We already addressed the fact that stereotyping people, or making fun of tragedy was completely inappropriate and in no way funny or clever before, but here we go again.

These guys managed to both stereotype people and poke fun at tragedy all in one go. It goes without saying that making a joke of people who are destitute is not okay. Hopefully one day these guys will realize the error they made in the name of love.
#1 Manipulative Promposal

This last person may have in fact simply been joking, so we are considering that without any true context, but similarly to the first promposal in our list, the picture itself without context could be problematic.
Manipulating or guilting someone into doing something for you is poisonous for both parties and should never be done. Presents should never come with strings attached.
Let’s hope that wasn’t the case with this last promposal on our list!