By now, every pub and cafe have already exhausted ways to incorporate Mason jars into their menu – exotic blend of juices in Mason jars, Mason jars with the wildest iced coffee creations imaginable, adorable desserts in ready-to-go Mason jars, salads, smoothies, and what have you. Even hipsters would be quick to tell you that mason jars just aren’t that hip anymore. It doesn’t mean you have to stow away your Mason jar collection just yet.
In case you didn’t know: in 1858, John Mason patented the Mason jar to help homemakers preserve food for long periods of time. While bottling was not unheard of at that time, it was his creation that allowed for efficient and hygienic preservation of food. With the sophisticated refrigerators available now, food preservation is not much of a problem, but of course, you are most welcome to do it old school style. Otherwise, here are 31 creative ways to repurpose your Mason jar:

1. Pickling
Of course, no Mason jar DIY list must go without pickling as its numero uno, lest we offend the great Sir John Mason. Pickling is a great way to enhance and preserve the flavor of fruits and vegetables, not to mention, to extend its storage life. It is a wonderful idea for homes with a vegetable garden or plenty of fruit-bearing trees. It makes for wonderful presents, too. Pickling doesn’t have to be intimidating! In fact, you can make refrigerator pickles, ready in just 24 hours. All you have to do is pick your produce, make your brine (usually just vinegar, sugar, and salt) and put in your spices (garlic, coriander seeds, black pepper, chili flakes – feel free to go wild). Pickled fruits and vegetables in Mason jars are handy for picnics and barbecues, road trips, or just munching straight out of the fridge.
