Blessed is he who has never had to wake up dreading the next 11 hours ’til he’s back in bed again. It probably won’t be much of an inaccuracy to say that at least once in every person’s life, the words “I don’t want to go to work today” have been begrudgingly uttered, often paired with a heavy smacking of the snooze button. While some days are merely a typical case of the blues, some days are much worse. In some cases, they mean occupational burnout, a term coined by psychologist Herbert Freudenberger to describe that dead end feeling of not being motivated to go to work, of being exhausted even before you’ve arrived at your cubicle, and/or not going forward in life with your job. Contradictory to what most people think, burnout is a serious matter. In fact, studies have revealed that employees who experience burnout share the exact same symptoms as patients diagnosed with clinical depression. Simply put, burnout is bad for your physical and psychological health.
Some employees deal with burnout by taking a sabbatical from work. In worse cases, stress management programs are in order; in much, much worse cases, the only way to treat burnout is to quit. Quitting a job is not an easy decision to make, with the reality of bills and survival, but remember that no paycheck is worth losing your sanity over. If these pictures are way too real for you, you need to quit your job NOW.

1. There is no coffee strong enough to get you through the day.
