Fall is an amazing time. If you live in the Western Hemisphere, fall is home to some of the best holidays. It’s not too hot or too cold, and you cannot beat the fall foliage. No matter how you choose to celebrate fall (or autumn), you have some amazing things to look forward to.
Here are just a few of those things to get you excited about fall.
Pumpkin Spice Everything!
First, one of the best things about fall is that pumpkin spice is in everything. Seriously- it’s in everything. Lattes, cakes, and even lotions and candles start containing pumpkin spice as soon as August winds down. Many people hate pumpkin spice because it is reaching ridiculous levels. They probably are not wrong.
They came out with pumpkin spice Pringles, hummus, and even shampoo for dogs. Even though pumpkin spice is getting a little ridiculous now, there is no reason to stop loving pumpkin spice during fall.
Leaves Everywhere

As children, few things were as awesome as running around in the leaves. Soon, the leaves will fall all around your neighborhood. You are never too old to have your own personal leaf crunching competition.
The only big difference is having to rake up the leaves. A once fun childhood experience now becomes back-breaking work. Plus, it’s just not as fun jumping in a pile of leaves when you might break something. Still, the leaves are pretty to look at. Enjoy them while you can and before the snow covers them up.

By far one of the best things about the upcoming Fall season is Halloween. As soon as September hits, it’s time to nail down your Halloween costume. You need to out-do yourself from last year. This year, the most popular costumes will likely be Suicide Squad and political-related costumes, but you can’t go wrong with the classics.
Soon, you’ll be able to throw fake cobwebs around the house and no one will question whether your house is dirty. Pumpkins, creepy fake zombies, and bones will drape your lawn in the coming weeks. Why wait? Start decorating now. We all know that the minute that the clock turned 12:00am, you wanted to break out your Halloween decorations.
The Christmas season starts earlier every year. Why shouldn’t Halloween be the same?
Thanksgiving is a great time to be thankful for all the positive things in your life. It is always the perfect time to spend with family. Even if you don’t like your family, you can always throw a ‘Friendsgiving’ party with the family you choose. At Friendsgiving, you get to drink with your friends without having to worry about your judgemental Aunt making nasty comments.
Sweater and Cozy Clothes

There is a good reason why fall is also ‘sweater weather’. Fall brings chiller nights. Cold nights mean that hot chocolate, hot apple cider, and fuzzy blankets come back into your life. No more sweating until your makeup melts off. Soon, you’ll be able to cuddle up in your favorites oversized sweater with a good book.
It’s not just sweaters. Soon you can wear boots, thick socks, and scarves with overheating. Who are we kidding? You’ve probably already gotten your fall wardrobe out and are considering wearing your clothes during the end of summer heat.
Fall is just around the corner, so it’s time to get excited!