It’s officially the New Year. 2020. You watched the ball drop with your family, you ate delicious snacks, and you took yourself to bed shortly after midnight. Now it’s time to ponder, “what will the New Year bring?” For some, it might be a new house, for others a new member of the family. But no matter what 2020 has in store for you, it’s important to set realistic and attainable goals. So here are a few realistic goals you could set to ring in the New Year!
1. Become a Puzzle Master
While puzzles are an incredible solo activity, It can’t go without mentioning the magic of doing them with others. As far as group activities go, they are an incredible choice. Yes, you could suggest smoking a joint or playing Cards Against Humanity at a gathering, but you’d do so with the knowledge that you might alienate some party goers. Puzzles though. You really can’t go wrong proposing a puzzle. They are especially good for times in which multiple generations will be together under one roof. Unlike card and board games, puzzles have no complicated rules to explain to new guests, nor do they ignite the sort of familial competitiveness that ends in tears or bloodshed.
All in all, completing a puzzle brings a tremendous feeling of accomplishment that can be found with no other game. It helps us to disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with the ones around us. So steak out some space lay out the pieces, and get to work. That puzzle isn’t going to solve itself.
2. Buy a Journal and fill it from front to back
Some people buy journals and never write in them, me being one of them. I have made it my goal this year to stick to writing, even if it is only one line a day. Writing gives people an escape that no other avenue can provide. Wheather you’re righting fiction stories, poetry, or even just documenting the thoughts you had that day, writing allows us to document our feelings in a long-lasting way. 40 years from now, you’ll pick up the journal etched with “2020” and you’ll be grateful you took some time to write some stuff down. What may feel pointless now, you’ll thank yourself for later.
Don’t know where to start? Grab a “One Line A Day” journal. These journals provide a little space for each day of the year, for a total of five years. It’s like twitter, but with pen and paper.
3. Travel to or live in the location of your dreams
I’ll admit it, I recently cashed in on my cushy job with the nice paycheck, to move out west and be a ski bum for a few months (which might turn into years). This is probably one of the best decisions I have ever made in my entire life. While change can be difficult, it’s a little easier when it’s someplace you’ve always wanted to be.
Can’t take the risk and quit the job? Use your vacation days. I know so many people that bank their vacation days and just take a paycheck at the end of the year. Make a vow to actually go somewhere you really want to go this year. I promise it will be worth it.
4. Get Healthy
I know, I know, this is a goal many of us set year after year but it always falls flat. Crazy diets paired with intense fitness classes after years of being unhealthy is going to trigger that gut, “I hate this” reaction. Instead of trying to go all in all at once, just make a conscious effort to be a little kinder to your body. For example, do you live a primarily sedentary lifestyle? Park further away from your office and walk, even if it’s just a few yards further. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
For me, getting healthy was more about cutting out fast food and learning how to cook. For years I only knew how to cook two things, Ramen Noodles and Mac and Cheese. So finally, I signed up for a meal delivery service, added a few items to my kitchen, and start cooking real food. Really want to stick to a certain? Blue Apron now has Whole30 approved recipes! Sign up and see how easy it can be to cook a good and healthy meal.
There you have it folks, four totally achievable goals for 2020. Happy New Year and happy goal setting!