10. Ray Rice – $38 Million
Unlike most other players on this list, Ray Rice takes his finances very seriously. Then again, he’s the only one who is fully aware he’ll probably never receive an NFL pick again. Rice ‘sat out’ the whole 2014 season after punching his fiance, Janay Palmer, in the face inside a casino elevator. Needless to say, Rice is knuckle-deep in debt and unemployment.

After dealing the KO, he made no attempts to help Janay up or to check for signs of life. When the elevator arrived, Rice dragged his ‘sleeping’ fiance outside. The worst part of this story happened later that year, when Janay became her assailant’s lawfully wedded wife. Now, Ray Rice can show up in public, acting like he isn’t a sociopath, while his wife acts like she doesn’t carry a concealed taser-gun.
