1. Hitler asked US, Great Britain and some other countries to take in Jewish refugees before the Holocaust – they all refused
In the ultimate shocker of a fact, we have saved the best one for the last. Did you know that Hitler gave United States and Great Britain a chance before the Holocaust to take in refugees? An offer which US, GB and many other countries refused. Imagine how many casualties could’ve been avoided if US and GB had opened their doors to the Jewish people.

PHOTO: Conspiracyclub
Évian Conference was held in July 1938 to discuss Jewish refugee problems. Hitler made a statement when he heard about the conference. He said that if other countries are willing to take Jewish people, he would arrange for them to leave.
Hitler said, “I can only hope and expect that the other world, which has such deep sympathy for these criminals [Jews], will at least be generous enough to convert this sympathy into practical aid. We, on our part, are ready to put all these criminals at the disposal of these countries, for all I care, even on luxury ships.”
The conference quickly failed since all the countries refused to accept Jewish refugees, citing different reasons.

PHOTO: Suggestive.com