15 Video Games That Were Banned For Intriguing Reasons

11. Mass Effect

The Mass Effect series is one of the most popular new video game franchises over the last decade. The science fiction adventure story allows the player to become Commander Sheppard whose goal is to save the known Universe from a terrible new threat. So what led to Mass Effect being banned in Singapore? Graphic violence? Language? No, the possibility that an alien character by the name of Liara could have lesbian sex with the player character if a certain storyline is followed (The storyline makes sense if you play the game).


Singapore has a history of harsh restrictions against the gay community and that extended to the video game realm. While the success of the Mass Effect franchise was not hampered by the banning in Singapore – in fact public outcry resulted in the ban being lifted. Currently, Mass Effect is gearing up for its newest release named Andromeda.  


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